So it has been over two weeks since I updated this blog, so here is a little, mini update about our crazy life! Jake has started kindergarten at North Davis Preparatory Academy (NDPA), a local charter school in our area. I struggled whether to put him in our local elementary school or the charter school. The three main reasons we went with the charter school are; first, they have an awesome speech therapist, second the student teacher ratio is 12 to 1, and third they seem to be able to provide more one on one help with reading, and other subjects. Because of Jake's speech delay, we felt this would be the better option for now. If we decide we don't like it and want to change we always can. NDPA has a great reputation and the parents support it so well up here. I also liked the fact that 96% of the students are reading at grade level or above at the end of the school year. That means just 4% are not at grade level. I like those odds. Our local elementary is a great school and the Moms in my neighborhood keep the PTA running great. We just felt like this was the place for Jake.
OK so here's the story about "Ladies First,". Jake tells me that the girls like to hold his hand and sit by him at school. But he only has eyes for one girl and that's Grace Kaye. Grace is a 25 year old trapped in a 5 year old body. She's a riot. Jake is in "love" and wants to marry her. One day a few weeks ago he asked me what he could do to get Grace to want to marry him.
So I told him that he might as well learn now that all girls are to be treated like ladies which means he needed to open the doors for them and make sure they are taken care of first. He seemed to be as disinterested as ever once I was done explaining things so I thought nothing of it.
A few days later we headed to Sizzler for dinner and Jake ran ahead to open the door. Jeff said thanks and walked right in the open door (ahead of me). Jake scolded his dad by say "Dad, Ladies First!" (Now usually Jeff is really good to open doors and everything so this was rare that he had walked in first).
Jeff and I laughed hard and Jeff walked back out of the doorway and let me go in first. Since then, Jake has turned into the door opener extraordinaire reminding all men that Ladies are first!