So this post may be a little different but here goes.
I have been thinking a lot about how we as women look at ourselves, how critical we are of each other and mostly ourselves. I've made a few changes. And I have already seen the fruits of my labors.
So most the pictures in the blog below, I really hate of myself. BUT! Guess what??? I am going to keep them. They have precious memories, that I would rather not delete.
My Jake is not going to look back years from now and say, "Wow, my Mom was one fat lady," he's going to look back and say, "Wow, look at me and my Mom at the Festival of Trees!" That's why I get in the pool and all the other stuff so he will not remember me sitting on the sidelines feeling sorry for myself, he will remember me actively engaged in his life. Not an easy thing to do for me, but for him, my precious and only child, I do it.
Do I like the way I look?? No and I am working on it. Do I have confidence in who I am and what my abilities are? Absolutely. I know what I can an cannot do and being heavy does not stop me from living my life. I would not be a successful small business owner if I wallowed in self-pity.
I've starved myself to be thin in my life and still felt fat and now I am on the other end of the spectrum wishing I could knock some sense into that stupid girl who was so caught up in her looks, she was miserable. Sure, she was thin, but VERY unhappy!
So, I've said goodbye to all those wasted times I spent sitting on the sidelines worrying about how I would look and saying hello to participating in life today, not waiting for tomorrow when I like how I look in pictures better. It's really liberating !
I have a fantastic life, a great husband and son and work I LOVE because I know I am making a difference! I want to enjoy it as much as I can!
I hope all you gorgeous women out there live life too and not let it pass you by. Today only happens once........Live for today.
P.S. PLEASE! Browse through and enjoy all the pictures below!