Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Aftermath: Battle Scars

For those of you who are on FB, I am so sorry to be redundant but I cannot express enough the importance of limiting your sun exposure. I had skin cancer surgery on Wednesday of this week.

Morphoeic Basal Cell Carcinoma is what it is called. The technique for dealing this kind of cancer around the face and eyes involves examining the carefully marked excised tissue under the microscope while I waited in the waiting room, they examined the tissue layer by layer.

They are not sure until they examine the tissue whether they have to take several slices until the tumour has been completely removed. The defect is often much bigger than the BCC appeared to be before surgery because of hidden extensions of tumour cells under the skin.

Luckily they only had to go digging one time. However, it left enough of a gaping hole on my nose that I did not have enough excess skin to pull over the hole and stitch up. So the Doctor elected to pull down some loose skin from my forehead to cover the hole. (I suppose I had a mini forhead lift by default!) 35 stitches later and below are the aftermath pictures. Here's hoping their is no scar!

This is what tanning in my teens gave back to me! The thing that kills me is I was not even close to as obsessed as some of my friends. I tanned a couple times a month at the most, ever! I knew people who went once or twice a week and layed out every day in the summer. So if I am getting it, I can only imagine they will get it too, it will happen and it stinks!

Thank heavens it is not permanent. I saw a poor guy with a birthmark on the majority of his face the other day and I said a very grateful prayer for my temporary ailment.

Show this to any obsessed teen or person you know who is addicted to tanning. It's NOT worth it!!!! White is the new brown!

This picture was taken a day after the surgery. Nice left black eye, real sexy!

This was after I was finally able to take a bath. My two swollen eyes look like I am wearing raunchy eyeshadow.

People! Stop the maddness!

The next blog will not be this serious!!!!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

CANCER that ugly word!

Sorry for the title shocker but I wanted to get all you sun-worshipers attention. I spent the majority of my teen years in a tanning bed or outside tanning. Thanks to my Dad's skin, I always tanned quite easily and my skin would turn a nice golden.

Fast forward 14 years later and I have Basal Cell Carcinoma right between my eyes. That's right skin cancer. I am the 3rd of my siblings to have a spot and my Dad has had many spots frozen off or cut out. Jeff's Dad has also had some taken off too. So here's my deal....................

Quit with the sun obsession! Spray tan for Pete's sake! This picture is just of the chunk they took off for the biopsy, they will take much more when they dig it out. I am hoping the scar will not be to bad, it is in fact one of the only redeeming things about my body right now. My face!

This is not intended to gross anyone out, this is intended to wake those of you who worship the sun see what sun exposure gives back to you.

I have not tanned in years in fear that I would have to deal with this someday. Now it has happened and you can bet, I will continue to slather on the sunscreen on Jake.
This is not fun or cool, it stinks. Stop the obsession!

On a lighter note, here are some pictures of our little jaunts in January and February, my least favorite months of the year..........I am so ready for spring!

Jake at the Salt Lake Temple

Jeff showing Jake the door handles on the temple.

Jeff and Jake at the LDS Church History Museum.