Sorry for the title shocker but I wanted to get all you sun-worshipers attention. I spent the majority of my teen years in a tanning bed or outside tanning. Thanks to my Dad's skin, I always tanned quite easily and my skin would turn a nice golden.
Fast forward 14 years later and I have Basal Cell Carcinoma right between my eyes. That's right skin cancer. I am the 3rd of my siblings to have a spot and my Dad has had many spots frozen off or cut out. Jeff's Dad has also had some taken off too. So here's my deal....................
Quit with the sun obsession! Spray tan for Pete's sake! This picture is just of the chunk they took off for the biopsy, they will take much more when they dig it out. I am hoping the scar will not be to bad, it is in fact one of the only redeeming things about my body right now. My face!
This is not intended to gross anyone out, this is intended to wake those of you who worship the sun see what sun exposure gives back to you.
I have not tanned in years in fear that I would have to deal with this someday. Now it has happened and you can bet, I will continue to slather on the sunscreen on Jake.
This is not fun or cool, it stinks. Stop the obsession!
On a lighter note, here are some pictures of our little jaunts in January and February, my least favorite months of the year..........I am so ready for spring!
Jake at the Salt Lake Temple
Jeff showing Jake the door handles on the temple.
Jeff and Jake at the LDS Church History Museum.
Oh my......I better stop getting in that tanning bed......I am the worst. I am ready for spring too!
Seriously Beth, do the Spray Tan thing. I know of several places that are awesome. Since your Dad has had spots taken off you are predisposed to likely having spots of your own. My brother had to have plastic surgery on his upper lip after he had some taken off. I may have to have that same thing after this. I know that tanning makes you feel better about yourself and you feel more confident with your body but at what expense? I am happy being white, I am ok with it considering the results of sun bathing.
Yikes! Sorry to hear about the Skin Cancer Linda. Thankfully it is something that can be cut out. We'll keep you in our prayers.
Those pictures of Jake and y'all are so cute! Looks like you guys have been having fun!
Yikes! I didn't realize that you were going through this until you told me on Sunday! I hope it all goes well. I for one have tried to stay out of the sun for years and I wear tons o' sunscreen on my face and neck - not so much everywhere else. I definately lay out when on vacations but not at home or in tanning beds. I will try to do better! I do wear sunless tanning moisturizer which helps with some color.
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