Sunday, May 31, 2009

I Scream You Scream we all scream for Ice Cream!

Summer is on it's way and for those of you who live within a 50 mile radius you know what that means.................Homemade Ice Cream courtesy of Jeff Isom nearly every Sunday evening. This year rocks because we have the wicker furniture on our porch to boot as well!

Jeff and I decided a few years back that we would make homemade ice cream and invite our neighbors, friends, families, and especially people we don't know very well but would like to know better over for ice cream May through September.

We started things off this year with our Stellar, awesome Neighbors: The Petersen's The Sylvester's, and The Robert's. Here are a few pictures from the festivities....

I don't think Barb has ever taken a bad picture!

Little Curtis.. aka Hunter and future babysitter and all around cutie pie Jacey.

Silly kiddos

Thursday, May 28, 2009

That's a wrap: TV Appearance

So I finished all the filming for my TV appearance on Monday June 1st on KSL Studio 5 at 11:00 am. The piece airing will be about what it means to be a confident woman in business and at home. Jake was also filmed, Jeff, sadly was in Florida on a business trip but they have pictures of us so he won't get off completly.

I am guessing they have at least 2 hours of footage of me that will be condensed into 1 or 2 minutes. How do I feel to be at the mercy of the TV producer???? A little bit of anxiety has defintely set in. I prepared as best I could with the information I was given and asked for a lot of advice from my other organizer friends who have already been on the show.

Stephanie (the producer) was a consumate professional so here's hoping she got enough footage to shine the best light on my crazy self. Let me know how you think it went.... I may want to throw up after it airs......

Friday, May 8, 2009

Follow me!

As you all know I run a professional organizing business and have a blog. Research shows the more followers you have, the more traffic you will get to your site. My business blog is doing good but as always, it could be doing better, so please....sign up to follow my organizing blog! You'll receive lots of great tips and much more to come!

If you have a business you would like to promote, let me know and I will add you to my favorite sites lists or do a shout out for you! When we help each other, we're happy. Thanks in advance! And.......Happy Mother's Day to all you mom's out there! Men remember the wives who are your life and your mother who gave you life!

To sign up, click my business blog shortcut on the right side of this page. You'll be so glad you did!

The tulip festival at Thanksgiving Point

So much to catch up on!

Here are so me picts. of us at the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point. Yay for Spring!

9 Week "Post Op" Skin Cancer recovery picture!

So Far so good! No complaints....yet. People, stay out of the sun!

Cream is the new Black

So on my FB page I took a poll about what to paint my scott-free oak table and chairs that we got from someone connected to my sister and brother-in-law. It was not in the best condition but a oak table is and OK table.

The GREAT debate: Jeff and I went back and forth on what to paint it. I wanted black because it is trendy, modern, etc. and Jeff wanted white and only white so we would not have to re-paint once black went out of style.

So I asked a bunch of you, my friends to weigh in. The Verdict: Overwhelmingly black. The color we chose? Cream. Leave it to me to not be like everyone else. I hung on to the advice of those who knew my kitchen and had great design advice (thanks for the input everyone). I have a small kitchen and really don't need anything to make it look smaller and I was worried a black table would just do that. Drum roll is the result. My awesome husband took a whole week off to help me do it. Baby, you're the best!

This little table and chairs needed a lot of TLC

The top was in especially bad shape.

In production.

The finished product.1 old table and chairs $0. 1 refinished table and chairs $120.00. We totally love it!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

From blah to viola! Furniture Re-finishing Mania.

After bartering at the Deseret Industries. I got this 5 piece wicker set for.......wait for it........$35.00! After paint and new cushions total cost $170.00. Brand new wicker and furniture???? $700 to $800. We are now official porch monkeys! Love it!

The Wicker right after I took it to the car wash to clean it off.

The finished product! Pretty snazzy don't you think?

Isom Easter Egg Hunt

The Isom Easter Egg Hunt was the next day (Sunday). Easter is soo fun!

Uncle Shane and Maren

Cutie Pie Sami.
The one and only Jacob Isom, our boy!

Priceless Picture

This is a random shot of my Dad and my niece Lily Clark on Easter weekend. Could there have been a better shot or what?? Priceless!

Getting Ready for Easter

Here are pictures of Taylor, Hunter, Jacob, and Lily coloring eggs and putting Easter bags together.

Having cousins with us makes it so much more fun for Jake!


The annual Clark Family Easter egg hunt was extra special thanks to one extroadinary 11 year old. His name is Taylor Clark and he is my nephew. He spent several hours on his own putting together an "Easter Program" for all of his cousins. Here are pictures of his work: Along with creating this beautiful display, he also wrote a beautiful little program for all of them to hear. Take a look at this video: Hope you can hear it!
Isn't he amazing? I hope this is just the begining of many wonderful things from this young man. I love you Tay!