So on my FB page I took a poll about what to paint my scott-free oak table and chairs that we got from someone connected to my sister and brother-in-law. It was not in the best condition but a oak table is and OK table.
The GREAT debate: Jeff and I went back and forth on what to paint it. I wanted black because it is trendy, modern, etc. and Jeff wanted white and only white so we would not have to re-paint once black went out of style.
So I asked a bunch of you, my friends to weigh in. The Verdict: Overwhelmingly black. The color we chose? Cream. Leave it to me to not be like everyone else. I hung on to the advice of those who knew my kitchen and had great design advice (thanks for the input everyone). I have a small kitchen and really don't need anything to make it look smaller and I was worried a black table would just do that. Drum roll is the result. My awesome husband took a whole week off to help me do it. Baby, you're the best!

This little table and chairs needed a lot of TLC

The top was in especially bad shape.

In production.

The finished product.1 old table and chairs $0. 1 refinished table and chairs $120.00. We totally love it!