In August we celebrated my GREAT AUNT Lynette's 80th birthday and in September we celebrated my AUNT Valeen's 80th birthday. These two fabulous ladies have been my syrogate Grandma's since 1992 when my Grandma Jan died. These two attended Ogden High School together back in the day. If you know my family, it really dosen't fork. My parent's grew up three blocks away from eachother and in the same ward since my Mom was about nine or ten years old. My mother is the second oldest of 9 (my grandma had my mother when she was seventeen), my Dad was the third of four children (my grandfather was about fourty-four when he was born) and that is why there is a generation inbetween two women on seperate sides of my family that are the same age.....Confused yet????Good. Here are these great ladies on these great occasions.

Karen Jones Clark with her Aunt Lynette Fronk Weller. Love these two ladies!

Valeen Clark Wood. Love this crazy, sassy woman!


This is me and my Clark cousin Kenlon. He came and hung out at our house after my Aunt Valeen's party. Ken and his brother Cameron are my favorite cousins that are closest to my age (boy cousins anyway). Ken lives in LA and works in the movies, this crazy kid just did a bunch of editing for none other than Paula Abdul. Some day soon we'll say we knew him when........Love ya Ken!
Thank you for posting the photos! Lynette Fronk Weller did work reporting on genealogy. I'm a shirtsleeve relative through Barnet Cole! You were so gracious to post a picture! Melissa Shaw Jones in Irvine, CA
I'm looking for details on Lucy Ward Cole, my GGGrandmother. Ruby Fronk Hall did lots of great history.
I loved the photo of Lynette Fronk Weller! I'm a distant relative through Barnet Cole, and Lucy Ward Cole... I looked her up off one of the records here as a daughter of the Utah pioneers! Thanks. Melissa Shaw Jones in Irvine, CA
Thank you for posting the photos! Lynette Fronk Weller did work reporting on genealogy. I'm a shirtsleeve relative through Barnet Cole! You were so gracious to post a picture! Melissa Shaw Jones in Irvine, CA
I'm looking for details on Lucy Ward Cole, my GGGrandmother. Ruby Fronk Hall did lots of great history.
I'm so pleased to see the photo of Lynette Fronk Weller! She's a distant relative through Lucy Ward Cole and Barnet Cole... she did some of the genealogy research I have! What fun to see her. Thank you! Melissa Shaw Jones, Irvine, CA
I want to connect with Lynette Fronk Weller! She's a distant relative through Barnet Cole and Lucy Ward Cole. I loved the photo of her birthday!
Melissa Shaw Jones, Irvine, CA
Are you referring to James Barnett Cole who rescued Lucy Ward Cole and other Handcart Pioneers?
I've heard of Ruby.
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