Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Utah's Indoor Ocean

We took Jake to Layton Surf'n'Swim this week. I went to exercise my aching messed up back and neck and to ride the waves with my two favorite people.

Those of you who are closest to me know of my weak stomach. My brothers can acount to memories of the Brent and Karen Clark family vacations consisting of how many historical sites / activites we could cram into one day and my infamous puking in the car, as my dad yelled: "Not in the car, not in the car!"

Knowing this about myself you would think I would not even attempt ride the waves on a tube in the water. Undeterred by past experiences, I sat on the tube with the artificial waves. Within 5 minutes, Jeff looked at me and said, " You look green." Quickly he helped me off of the tube to spare the embarrassment of me launching vomit all over the pool. That my friends, is what marriage is all about!

Once I realized I could not use the tube, we still had a fantastic time.

Note to self: Don't attend the impossible!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Proud as Punch!

See this adorable face??? How can you not LOVE this face?  Mwah!  This is my angel boy Jacob.  When Jacob turned seven in October he realized he would be eight on his next birthday. Eight is the age in which he can choose to be baptised into the Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints. He made one simple request:  He wanted us to read through The Book of Mormon, Old and New Testaments, Doctrine and Covenants readers by the time he turned eight.   In his words, he wants to know if it is true before he decides to be Baptised.  It is February and he and his Dad have cruised through The Book of Mormon, and New Testament and are finishing up the Old Testament right now.  They should be all done by April.  Jacob wants to read them all again just to be sure but has loved every one of the stories of the prophets and people.  What a kid!  What a great spirit!  I hope that I am a good enough Mom to teach him all he needs to know.  He teaches me much everyday.

On another note, Jake is getting really used to the idea of a little brother and can't wait until we go to Africa and get him.  He gave up a bunch of his old toys and is so excited to share them with him and  to "teach" him everything he knows.  Poor guy does not realize that he too, will have to make some ajustments.  But, Jake has always been great with just "rolling with it".  I imagine given time, this will be no different.

I am in awe of my wonderful life.  Great husband, great son, awesome friends, a job I love, live really does not get better.  We are just going to spread our love a little more when our new son comes to be with us.  What an advetnture lies before us!  Wish us luck in our travels!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day to two LOVE birds.

So why was trying to think of an "out of the box" or in this case" in the box" gift for Jeff for Valentine's Day this year.  My man would  not appreciate flowers.  Nor did he want his standard gift of Ju-Ju Hearts (we are allergic to corn).

So as I was coming home from a job and listening to talk radio, an advertisement came a for Shari's Berries.
What it is Shari's Berries, you ask?

Shari's Berries are chocolate dipped strawberries in many different varieties.  They came via FedEx and looked absolutely,decadently perfect. They have some way of keeping them cool while shipping them.

Needless to say Jeff there was no way when if ever guessed this V-Day surprise.  Here's to 13 wonderful Valentine's days  babe, I love ya!

I LOVED the chocolate rolled in Pecans Best!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Oh Happy Day!!!!

I Like It When The Sun Shines glittering comment from

The ADOPTION Home Study  papers ARE IN!  Phew! What a trip!

After hours and hours of filling out paperwork and gathering information,  and writing our life stories for strangers to read (the good, bad and ugly).........we are off and running.  YEHAAW!

Check back and we will keep you posted!  And thanks for all of your continued support, we love you!