Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Utah's Indoor Ocean

We took Jake to Layton Surf'n'Swim this week. I went to exercise my aching messed up back and neck and to ride the waves with my two favorite people.

Those of you who are closest to me know of my weak stomach. My brothers can acount to memories of the Brent and Karen Clark family vacations consisting of how many historical sites / activites we could cram into one day and my infamous puking in the car, as my dad yelled: "Not in the car, not in the car!"

Knowing this about myself you would think I would not even attempt ride the waves on a tube in the water. Undeterred by past experiences, I sat on the tube with the artificial waves. Within 5 minutes, Jeff looked at me and said, " You look green." Quickly he helped me off of the tube to spare the embarrassment of me launching vomit all over the pool. That my friends, is what marriage is all about!

Once I realized I could not use the tube, we still had a fantastic time.

Note to self: Don't attend the impossible!

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