So here it is! The long awaited blog for our family. I must admit, I have never been a good scrapbooker or journal writer so we'll see how this goes...... I love everyone else's blog and it is fun to see what you all are up to and to learn things about you and your family I never knew.
So here is a picture of the Twin Falls Idaho Temple. Jeff, Jake and myself made the 3 hour trip up to the temple so our Jake could see what inside a temple looks like. He has been asking us this for a while.
There is always such a special feeling at these temple open houses. The people are always so excited and anxious to show off their new temple to their friends and family in the area.
I was moved at the short video presentation they showed us at the adjacent stake center on the same property as the temple.
They showed images of the Bountiful and Salt Lake Temple's and Jeff and I both were in tears remembering what it was like when the Bountiful Temple was dedicated in 1995. Jeff and I can cry with the best of them!
Jake was great during the movie and sat on my lap so he could see and listened to the whole 15 minute or so video. Pretty good for an almost 6 year old.
Jeff and I have our weaknesses, but one of our strengths is temple attendance. We try to go once a month as consistently as possible. I am glad I understand the temple covenants as well as I do. I know it is only because of attending often and contemplating the measure of our creation, that I love the temple so much. It blesses my marriage, our family, and my whole well being as a person.
There were a FEW protesters of course 3 to be exact. The smallest amount I ever seen at a Temple Open House. At the Alabama Temple Open House that Jeff and I attended in 2000 their had to be at least 60 to 100 people holding signs, even at the stoplights and intersections.
I don't worry about these people or question my beliefs because of them. Can they offer me a forever family? Can they offer me the blessings of a priesthood holder in my home? Can they truly offer me a chance to know the Savior and his teachings the way we do in our church? Can they offer me exaltation? No. They cannot. I find it interesting that they can't leave us alone.
Ok, back to the temple. It was gorgeous inside, lighter woods, travertine floors, rich moldings and a gorgeous picture of the snake river and the Shoshone Falls that was painted in one of the ordinance rooms.
In the baptistry, I had to tell Jacob that the cool "oxen pool" was not for swimming. In the celestial room I sat on the couch with Jeff and Jake and thought, "This is my whole world, life can't get better than this"!
It is a smaller temple not near as small as the Alabama temple but significantly smaller that the temples we are used to having here in Utah.
Yea for temples! Yea for forever families!
1 comment:
Hi Linda,
I'm new to viewing your blog and it is wonderful. I love being able to catch up on the adventures in your life.I was touched by your heart felt comments about your family. They are beautiful.
Take a peek at what my family is up to LifewithMama-ice.blogspot.com
Shelly Isom
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