Friday, August 22, 2008

One of My Hobbies

So this is one of my hobbies. Re-finishing Furniture. I got these nightstands at the DI for $15.00 a piece. After a lot striping, refinishing and staining, and varnish, they transformed from super ugly to gorgeous. I've been refinishing furniture on and off for about 11 years. The first two projects were two "blond" dressers from the 1950's we inherited from my grandparents and Jeff's Mom. We had nothing and I couldn't pass up all wood and veneer dressers with dove tailed drawers! I had no clue what I was doing. I now need to go back and redo those dressers, they've seen better days since they are now 11 years old!

Re-finishing is hard work, but it comes with a great pay-off. You truly see the fruits of your labors. It is a rarity these days to see something completed and that is why I so enjoy doing it!


sbailey27 said...

Those look great! I don't think I could have that kind of patience! Good job on the new blog, too!

Laura Jorgenson said...

That is amazing! You're so talented. I'm jealous. The only thing I'm good at is running. How does that help with anything? I need to get motivated and give it a try because I have plenty of old dressers that need to be re-done.

Williams Ski Team said...

Hey Linda, you are very creative! I loved reading your blogs! You have a darling family! I added you to our blog list. Nicole Williams