Monday, November 2, 2009

Goodbye for now, until we meet again in 18 months

As I previously posted Jeff's parent's were called to serve in the Vancouver British Columbia mission. On November 1, they were set apart to enter the MTC the next day.

Some of this gathered together for this event. We are so excited for them!
Up until this point, I do not think Jacob grasped the gravity of the situation that his grandparents were going to be gone for 18 months time.

After Ken and Leann were set apart, Jacob broke down and sobbed in Grandpa's arms.

Below are some pictures of that night we were privileged to be a part of.

Sweet boy who loves his Grandpa.

I love this picture, it captures everyone's personality to a tee!

No question all these people are related!!

Thank heavens for things like Skpe and email so we can communicate with them while they are gone.  Best of Luck, Ken and LeAnn, we know you will be awesome missionaries!!

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