Sunday, May 16, 2010

I want to be a Missionary Now.

Thanks to our neighbors, the Petersens who cleared out some of the sod they had for a new basketball standard, we were able to use their grass to fix a couple of spots on our lawn we have not been able to choke the prairie grass out of. I bet it save us about 50 bucks. Even the little financial blessings right now are so apreciated.

Since I have been still plagued with the bulging discs in my neck and back, I was not a great help to Jeff who was shouldering most of the load.

The LDS missionaires, Elder Chidister from San Diego and Elder Conrad from Ohio came up riding up on their bikes and asked if they could help. Jeff brushed them off and said thanks but one of the missionaires was really persisitant (Elder Chidister). I felt like they really wanted to get their hands dirty (and shirts) and for some reason needed to take the time to help us.

Jake thought it was super cool. Because of his request to us to read all the books of scripture in our church before he is baptised in October (we are done, we are now reading them for a second time), he is facinated by missionaries and missionary work. They may as well be movie stars in his mind.

Jake is a sensitive soul. These missionairies brought the spirit with them and worked hard. He begged them not to leave but they did have another appointment. I hope JAke choses to be a missionary and experience what serving the Lord full time has to offer him.

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