Thursday, May 6, 2010

New Glasses for Jake

I was so holding out hope that Jake would take after his Dad and not need glasses until he was in High School but alas, I knew he was falling in my footsteps when he told me he could not see the board when he sat at the back of the class.

We requested him to sit in the front of the class and then set up an eye appointment with our favorite optometrist.

Dr. Lincoln (Dygert) was thorough as always and much to the sadness to his Mom, Jake obviously needed glasses.

This is yet another bump, albeit a small bump, for Jake in his young life. After having eye and foot surgery when he was five, things have been good for him. His ability to be cheerful despite his adversity is inspiring to see.

He was a good sport about picking glasses and when we went to pick up the prescription and he cautiously put them on, it was bittersweet to watch him look at the world clearly. I remember that feeling and I now know how my Mom felt when I said to her after I got my glasses at the age of six (Jake is seven and a half) "I didn't know the mountains looked like that." It was like the world had had a bath and I was seeing it pristine and clean for the first time. Fortunately his eyesight is not near as bad  at age seven as mine was at age six. Let's hope it stays that way.

Such a poser!

Off to school. So handsome, don't you think???

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