Friday, October 15, 2010

Fun at a FREE Jazz Game

The bishop of our LDS ward who is also a friend called us yesterday afternoon and wondered if we would like to go to the Jazz game that night. They had three extra tickets in the nosebleed section. Since Jake has had a rough go of it at school and it was a FREE outing, we made arrangements to go.

Our son Jacob is quite a kid. When he bonds with someone, you are his friend for life. The Bishop and Jake bonded a year or so ago and Jake wants to hug him every time he sees him. I think it's cute because the bishop (Mark) always put out his hand as Jake smothers him with a hug.

Jeff and I also wanted to see how he did at the game. Up until last spring taking him to a sporting event was torture. He would last for about 45 minutes and then start chanting; "Let's go home." He did great at the red and white game in the spring but that was a shorter game so we were anxious to see how he would do.

He was hilarious. He loved it! He got into all of the audience chants and cheered when they scored, the whole bit. It was great fun. Basketball is by far my favorite sport to watch, partly because I understand it the best. Guess we're going to have to schedule this as at least an annual event.

I love my boys and my life. They bring me more joy than I ever thought I would have in this life. Thanks Mark and Trudy for the tickets!

Da Boys

Checkin out my zooming capabilites on my camera

Jake is an offical Popcorn Addict. 

Bishop Mark and Jake

The Ultimate Jazz Fan

So cute, he just grabbed Mark's hand at the end and off the went.

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