Okay so I need to admit something, I have a super WEAK stomach. I can't decide whether it's my smeller (Nose) or a combination of my smeller and stomach that easily nauseates me. Because of this I avoid places that have a Stench. The Zoo is at the top of my list. Although I love to see the animals, the thought of being at The Hogle Zoo on a hot summer day with the hot asphalt is not my idea of a party.
So we go to the Zoo in the Fall, Winter, and Spring. Granted it still stinks, but not near as bad. We have even gone on Thanksgiving a couple of times to see them have their Thanksgiving dinner. The only place that made me gag was the Hippo house. Happy Mom, happy outing.
Continuing on our little "Staycations" theme, we went to the Zoo in October. I must say they have made quite a bit of improvement since last I visited a few years back. We had lunch there and then went anywhere Jacob wanted to go. I love the little baby elephant and her sweet mama. I would have to say my favorite were the giraffes. I could've spent several hours watching these beautiful creatures. They are the epitome of the term "gentle giants". Jeff decided be a little bit of the smarty pants and create a dialogue between two of the giraffes. This provided quite a bit of comic relief for Jacob and I and we had a great laugh.
I so love being with my two boys. The happiness in my life far surpasses anything I could ever imagined for myself. We always have such a great time together. Here are a few pictures of our fun day at the zoo.
Cute Elephants.
Crocodiles freak me out!
Look at this beautful creature's sweet face!
There were signs everywhere to keep quiet. I guess the Giraffe's are easily spooked.
My Angel Boy and one of the male Giraffes.
The zoo train.

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