My younger sister Kathy has had a very similar struggle trying to get pregnant as I have. After being married six and a half years, she got pregnant. Her baby girl is due the second week in December. I am thrilled for her! She will be a super great awesome Mom.
Here are some pictures of the Taylor family shower. Her husband Derrick's family gave her a great shower and she got some super cute things.
Kathy and our niece Lily. Lily was so excited about all the presents.
Lots of presents!
Our Mom makes a Raggidy Ann doll for all the girls born in the family.
This one even came with extra outfits.
Lily the little helper.
Dosen't Kath look so cute?
Super Cute Cake.
Lots of quilts and blankets.
Adorable diaper holder.
We love you Kath! We can't wait to meet Halle Ann!

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