Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

We had a very low-key Thanksgiving this year and it was nice. We rotate dinner between the two families and it was our year to have Thanksgiving with Jeff's family. But with his Mom and Dad on an LDS mission we spent it with my Mom and Dad, my brother Jon and his kids, and my Aunt Valeen.

My Mom, Aunt Valeen and I made the food. Valeen made her famous Shrimp and Cabbage salad  which is a family favorite.
The best part for me was watching my 13 year old nephew Taylor (far left) who loved hearing stories from his great Aunt Valeen and his Grandpa. He's a good kid and it was nice to see his interest in listening to family history.
The buffet and kid's table and my cute Aunt Valeen.
Some of the food.  Always yummy.
Notice the Thanksgiving garland on the fireplace mantel?  Jake worked really hard to put that together for Grandma. Grandma loved it.
These two turkeys!!! They made up a song while playing together.  They are kindred spirits, they both have very active imaginations and they laugh and laugh and laugh. My cousins Heather and Cameron were like that growing up.  Still close to them today.
Jake and Hunter, love them both!

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